Sunday, December 9, 2007

Judging a book by its car?

I was wondering what you guys think of this article? It says that the type of car you have says a lot about your style in the love department. I fit in the sedan department but the car was given to me so it is not really me and what about all the other styles where do they fit. What if you drive an old beater or a classic muscle car? Do these kinds of things really say something about who you are?


Fah said...

This once rang true for me but not so much anymore. I/we just traded in the BMW X5 for a Nissan Pathfinder. The BMW was 100% my car and I LOVED it! I say that both examples ring true for that one. Now that we have the Nissan, the SUV description doesn't really fit me/us. I am not organized, my husband is not organized, so either this whole thing is a crap shoot or I need my B-mer back.

Jennifer said...

I thought the "sensible sedan" stuff was right on about me, other than the "has lots of money stashed away" bit - though I would if I had any. And also true about spending a lot on their partner - love to lavish with posh trips, nice restaurants, etc.